For over 2 decades Chabad of Pasadena has serviced the community’s needs on all fronts. From weekly services to holiday programming, from Mega Challah bakes to Mega Menorah lightings, Chabad has made vibrant Judaism a reality throughout the San Gabriel Valley and beyond.
In time for Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year of 5778 Chabad announced the arrival of Rabbi Zushi & Gitty Rivkin. Together with their family, they have joined the growing staff at Chabad and are bringing adult Torah education to the next level in the San Gabriel Valley.
The Academy
With their arrival Rabbi Rivkin and his wife founded the Pasadena Jewish Academy, bringing new energy to the existing classes and pioneering new and creative offerings on educational and social levels for adults of all backgrounds.
The academy has its goals set on bringing new life to the existing community and expanding our reach by attracting more participation from Jewish adults seeking to explore the rich Jewish heritage that is Torah.

Now in its 8th year, the goal of the academy is simple: Learn. Connect. Inspire. In other words to make Torah learning both meaningful and accessible to Jews of all ages, levels, shapes and sizes. The academy helps everyone grow on their own level, regardless of background or affiliation.
Whether it’s beginner’s Hebrew or an advanced course in Talmud that you need, we’ve got you covered. Our wide and varied array of offerings include movie nights, lectures, sing alongs around the fire and much more. Between it all, they are sure to help you achieve the ultimate goal: make Torah yours.
We hope you take the time to peruse our website and look forward to welcoming you in person with a warm smile and an open mind.